Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Help Me Move that Boulder! That Immigration Boulder

Help me move that boulder!  That darn immigration boulder.  It's the one that has existed for more than 15 years.  It doesn't seem to budge and, yes, I need your help.  What on earth do I mean?  Well, I have been praying more and more for the hope of immigration reform.  I have been active mobilizing pastors, church leaders, and concerned Christians and I even received the opportunity to share with Congressional leaders why we need reform.  There is a lot of "I" in those statements and I know that God uses a united "we" who stand together.
The image of a boulder came to mind this morning.  I had a vision of what it would look like for more and more people joining me on the side of a mountain in an attempt to move a huge boulder out of the way.  It was clear that I couldn't do it.  As every added hand came to push, I became increasingly hopeful.   This is how I feel about our need to join with the Pray4Reform movement going on nationally among evangelical Christians.  Will you pray on your own or join a group of us on October 17th from 7-8am at Christ Community Evangelical Free Church.  1708 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108 OR October 16th from 8pm-9pm at Mosaikon Church.  15320 S. Ridgeview Rd., Olathe, KS 66062.

Thanks for helping me move this boulder!
Pray for -- (1) House Speaker Boehner to bring Immigration Reform to the House floor; (2) our Legislators to make choices that are noble, right, and true; (3) divisions to be melted for the common good; (4) courage to win over in the decisions our leaders make.

If you want to pray and then do more, visit

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