Sunday, September 25, 2011

Walking through an open door

Wouldn't life be great without conflicts or bumps along the way? I would bet that all of us would like life to be easy and free of worries, but I am more and more convinced we would push God aside or put Him on the shelf for some rainy day if this were the case. We are prone to seek our own way! I am!

The more and more I work with immigrants I see just how God uses conflicts, problems, and dilemmas to open up our hearts to an encounter with Him. Just today I spent time on the phone with a parent who found herself in a desperate situation, with concerns about her rebellious daughter. No greater a time is there to need God than when we find ourselves in these predicaments and yet we need Him everyday just to navigate what seems sometimes like the easy life. I hope to visit this family in their home and offer some piece of hope.

"God, you are the only one who can offer any of us hope." Pray with me that these meeting will turn disaster into hope....not just a situational hope, but a daily surrender that bears hope with Christ.

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